Preliminary Laboratory Results Indicate SaniDate® All Purpose Disinfectant is an Effective Virucide Against Human Coronavirus, Pending EPA Review and Approval
EAST HARTFORD, CT – BioSafe Systems is pleased to announce preliminary results from a GLP efficacy study demonstrated that SaniDate All Purpose Disinfectant is an effective virucide against Human Coronavirus on hard, non-porous surfaces. SaniDate All Purpose Disinfectant met the performance requirements under the test conditions for virucidal efficacy as set by EPA. The efficacy study was conducted using the product at a rate of 3.0 fl. oz. per gallon with a 10-minute contact time. SaniDate All Purpose Disinfectant demonstrated total inactivation of the virus, a =4.00 log10 reduction in titer of Human Coronavirus. US EPA requires a minimum =3.00 log10 reduction in titer for approval.
With these positive results, the virucidal study will be submitted to United States EPA for evaluation and approval with a label amendment to add virucidal Human Coronavirus claims through an expedited process. Once approved, this virus will be added to the product label in the United States* allowing the product to be included in the EPA List N-Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2.
SaniDate All Purpose Disinfectant (U.S. EPA Reg. No. 70299-27) is a hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid-based one-step disinfectant cleaner for hard, non-porous surfaces. This product is formulated as a bleach alternative for use within medical facilities, childcare, schools, and at home. SaniDate All Purpose Disinfectant controls mold, mildew, and bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella enterica) on contact.
*Registration is pending in Canada. Product review is currently underway with Health Canada and once approved, SaniDate All Purpose Disinfectant will be added to Health Canada Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) List.
For more information contact BioSafe Systems toll-free at 888-273-3088 or visit
About BioSafe Systems, LLC
BioSafe Systems, LLC are innovators of environmentally sustainable practices and products since 1998. We provide solutions for protecting crops, water and people. Customers, researchers and regulatory agencies have remained at the forefront of our success and willingness to adapt to the ever-changing world around us. BioSafe Systems is a family-owned company whose products are proudly manufactured in the United States.
The US EPA has approved a newly expanded label for BioSafe Systems’ AzaGuard Botanical Insecticide/Nematicide, including expanded use rates, new pests, and two new use sites.
AzaGuard’s use rates have been expanded to allow for a greater treatment range and better efficacy against strong infestations. In some cases, these expanded rates represent a doubling of the amount of AzaGuard used per acre of treated crops.
In addition to these expanded rates, several new use sites and pests have been added to the label. AzaGuard can now be applied to mushrooms and manure piles to treat for Mushroom flies, Nematodes, and Phorid flies. New pests for other food crops include grasshoppers and locusts, mites, and chafers. Other pest groups, including flies, moths, and grubs, have been expanded to include more sub-species.
AzaGuard is a 3% Azadirachtin insect growth regulator that is OMRI Listed for Organic Use, and can be tank mixed with other BioSafe Systems’ chemicals as part of a complete pesticide program. AzaGuard is available in 32 oz. Tip N’ Pour containers providing precise measurement, and also in a 1 gallon size for larger applications.